The month of May has the distinct honor of containing the one day of the year where we celebrate moms. Way wanted to end the month by celebrating moms everywhere. We asked the working moms at Way a few questions; these were just a few of the responses.
KAY FOUNTAIN – Human Resources
If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to a younger Kay?
You have to prioritize to meet demanding schedules. My children recognized that working helped contribute to their needs. I have 3 adult children, and they have families now. The grandkids fill me with joy when my children are at home.
I would say make time for your children and their special events. This is something that can’t be replaced or made up at a later date. Tell them you love them every day. I am blessed to work for Way where you can accommodate your family necessities, and your coworkers pull together as a team to meet job goals and support you during these family events.
STEPHENIE GRACE – Support Services Lead

Stephenie Grace, Support Services Lead
What does it mean to you to be a #workingmom?
For me, a working mom is very patient, understanding, somewhat organized, and stretched very thin. Probably constantly thinking she is forgetting something. Oh, sparkled with a little mom guilt. But she is a multitasker and no doubt a badass!
What advice would you give to future #workingmoms?
My advice would be, let them be kids! Let them be messy, have messy rooms, eat dessert for dinner. Let them dress themselves. Just let them be carefree and filled with joy. Soon enough they will be adults and in the real world 😉
AMY WAY – Leadership Team

Amy Way, Way Leadership Team
What advice would you tell #workingmoms?
Being a parent never ends! Best rule is, don’t sweat the small things. Do the best you can and be proud of even the smallest victories.