
Way’s 2016 Independence Day Luncheon

This past Friday, Way Companies celebrated the Fourth of July with a company luncheon. Team members gathered in our Houston office’s Training Room to the views of Fireworks being projected onto the walls in honor of our great country’s Independence.

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Way Companies at SWLA Business Expo.

Way Companies attends SWLA Business Exposition Way Companies representative, Dennis Arsement, recently joined one of the most active chambers of commerce in Louisiana— the Southwest Louisiana Economic Development Alliance (SWLA). The chamber is located in Lake Charles, LA and is comprised

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Happy Holidays

With the year drawing to a close, Way Companies would like to wish you a safe and cheerful Holiday Season. It is at this time of year that we must remember to be most charitable and pleasant, and to carry

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Way supports PACE passage in Houston

  Almost as soon as Texas Senate Bill 385 was introduced, The Way Companies became a supporter. The Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Act was passed in 2013 with bipartisan support. The PACE Act gives local governments the authority


Way Companies Thanksgiving Luncheon

Way Companies held a Thanksgiving Luncheon on November 20th to honor our prized employees. In the spirit of gratitude, the meal was complete with traditional Thanksgiving fixings including turkey, dressing, pies, and smiles. Way Companies truly appreciates the service of

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Way Cos. invests in employees

Today, our employees return from a three-day conference hosted by SECorps in Scottsdale, Arizona. It’s just one of the many ways that Way Cos. invests in education and training for our staff. The topic of the conference was emotional intelligence,

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